TAKADA Mal, ENDO Yusuke " .xyz/provoked "
TAKADA Mal, ENDO Yusuke " .xyz/provoked " 本書は、「ART AWARD TOKYO MARUNOUCHI 2024」グランプリを受賞した画家・高田マル、「写真新世紀 2019」優秀賞などを受賞した写真家・遠藤祐輔による作品集になります。 これまで高田は、日記をモチーフとした絵画を制作してきました。本書では高田の絵画を遠藤のストリートスナップ上に配置することで、言葉が街を漂うような構成となっています。また、プロフィール・奥付けを見開きとすることでページの流れを意識した仕様となっています。 著者: 高田マル、遠藤祐輔 編集: 岡田翔 デザイン: 相島大地 発行人: 岡田翔 発行: paper company サイズ: 257×182mm ページ数: 60p 言語: 日・英 発行日: 2024年9月1日 仕様: ソフトカバー、オフセット印刷 HP: https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-018-takadamal-endoyusuke-xyz-provoked ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______ ※本書籍のお取り扱いをご希望される場合は、 件名を「書籍の取り扱いに関して」とご記入のうえ、以下のアドレスまでご連絡をお願い致します。 メールアドレス:kakeru.okada@gmail.com
IWASAKI Hiromasa "paper company Book Exhibition Vol.2 ― NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE – 759 Insects – ―"
IWASAKI Hiromasa "paper company Book Exhibition Vol.2 ― NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE – 759 Insects – ―" 本書は、2023年8月4日(金) - 8月21日(月) に開催した展覧会「paper company Book Exhibition Vol.2」の図録となっています。「paper company Book Exhibition Vol.2」は、2022年に出版した昆虫図鑑『NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE –759 Insects –』を契機に企画した展覧会です。本プロジェクトでは、書籍と展覧会、作品とのアクチュアルな関係を提示することから、それぞれのフォーマットを更新することを試みています。 著者: 岩崎広大 編集: 岡田翔 寄稿: 岩崎広大、南島興、岡田翔 撮影: 竹久直樹 (p.6, p.32, p.34)、篠田優 (pp.26-28, pp.30-31, pp.35-36) デザイン: 相島大地 協力: The 5th Floor 発行人: 岡田翔 発行: paper company サイズ: 210×148 mm ページ数: 104p 言語: 日 発行日: 2024年3月31日 仕様: ソフトカバー、オンデマンド印刷 ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______ ※本書籍のお取り扱いをご希望される場合は、 件名を「書籍の取り扱いに関して」とご記入のうえ、以下のアドレスまでご連絡をお願い致します。 メールアドレス:kakeru.okada@gmail.com
Leo Elizabeth TAKADA, Endo Yusuke "KYOTO REMAINS"
Leo Elizabeth TAKADA, Endo Yusuke "KYOTO REMAINS" (Limited Edition of 800) 本書は、今年のカンヌ国際映画祭の受賞作品であるヴィム・ヴェンダース監督「PERFECT DAYS」の脚本翻訳を手がけるなど、メディア翻訳者としても活躍している詩人・高田怜央と「写真新世紀 2019」優秀賞などを受賞した写真家・遠藤祐輔との共著になります。 デザインでは、高田が映画脚本の翻訳も手掛けていることから、詩を映画字幕のように配置するなど、映画のようにイメージとテキストを読み進めていくことができる仕様となっています。 著者: 高田怜央、遠藤祐輔 編集: 岡田翔 寄稿: 来馬哲平 翻訳: 高田怜央 デザイン: 相島大地 協力: 伊藤潤一郎、川野芽生、森脇透青、横田祐美子 発行人: 岡田翔 発行: paper company サイズ: 210×148 mm ページ数: 208p 言語: 英・日 発行日: 2023年11月30日 仕様: ソフトカバー、オフセット印刷 Title: KYOTO REMAINS Author: Leo Elizabeth Takada, Endo Yusuke Editor: Okada Kakeru Text: Kuruma Teppei Translator: Leo Elizabeth Takada Designer: Aijima Daichi Cooperation: Ito Junichiro, Kawano Megumi, Moriwaki Tosei, Yokota Yumiko Publisher: Okada Kakeru Published by: paper company Size: 210×148 mm Pages: 208p Language: English, Japanese Date of publication: November 30th, 2023 Details: Softcover, Offset printing ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______ ※本書籍のお取り扱いをご希望される場合は、 件名を「書籍の取り扱いに関して」とご記入のうえ、以下のアドレスまでご連絡をお願い致します。 メールアドレス:kakeru.okada@gmail.com
Catalog "Constellation Manual Miyu Hosoi + Satoru Higa"
図録『Constellation Manual Miyu Hosoi + Satoru Higa』 (Limited Edition of 300) 長野県立美術館にて開催された第Ⅱ期みんなのアートプロジェクト成果展「配置訓練 細井美裕+比嘉了」(2023.7.15-2023.9.10)の展覧会冊子(出展作家:細井美裕、比嘉了)です。本書には、制作に関するインタビュー、施工図面、インスタレーションヴューなどが収められています。 著者: 細井美裕、比嘉了、長野県立美術館 キュレトリアル・アドヴァイザー: 阿部一直 編集: 岡田翔(paper company)、松井正(長野県立美術館) デザイン: 相島大地 DMデザイン: 合同会社ch. 青木圭 レイアウト図面: 株式会社 信青社 撮影: 飯塚純 発行人: 岡田翔、長野県立美術館 発行: paper company、長野県立美術館 サイズ: 210×148mm ページ数: 24p 言語: 日 発行日: 2023年8月1日 仕様: ソフトカバー、オフセット印刷 ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______ ※本書籍のお取り扱いをご希望される場合は、 件名を「書籍の取り扱いに関して」とご記入のうえ、以下のアドレスまでご連絡をお願い致します。 メールアドレス:kakeru.okada@gmail.com
Leo Elizabeth TAKADA "SAPERE ROMANTIKA" (Limited Edition of 800) 高田怜央は、翻訳者として映画、CMなどの翻訳に携わりながら、近年では詩作をはじめエッセイなどの執筆活動も行なってきました。本書は、そのような活動を行なう著者の第一詩集になります。 高田は詩作にあたり、英語の詩作と日本語訳の双方を手がけています。造本においてもそのようなスタイルを踏まえて、英語と日本語がページ毎に交互に現れる仕様を取り入れています。 著者: 高田怜央 編集: 岡田翔 寄稿: 来馬哲平、横田祐美子 翻訳: 高田怜央 デザイン: 相島大地 協力: 永井玲衣、山本浩貴 発行人: 岡田翔 発行: paper company サイズ: 173x105 mm ページ数: 72p 言語: 英・日 発行日: 2023年8月1日 仕様: セミハードカバー、オフセット印刷 Title: SAPERE ROMANTIKA Author: Leo Elizabeth Takada Editor: Okada Kakeru Text: Kuruma Teppei, Yokota Yumiko Translator: Leo Elizabeth Takada Designer: Aijima Daichi Cooperation: Nagai Rei, Yamamoto Hiroki Publisher: Okada Kakeru Published by: paper company Size: 173x105 mm Pages: 72p Language: English, Japanese Date of publication: August 1st, 2023 Details: Semi-hardcover, Offset printing ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______ ※本書籍のお取り扱いをご希望される場合は、 件名を「書籍の取り扱いに関して」とご記入のうえ、以下のアドレスまでご連絡をお願い致します。 メールアドレス:kakeru.okada@gmail.com
IWASAKI Hiromasa "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE – 759 Insects –" (Limited Edition of 600) 岩崎広大は、これまで昆虫をモチーフ、テーマとして作品制作を展開してきた美術家です。今回の出版は、2020年に偶然居合わせた、行き場のない昆虫標本がきっかけとなっています。その際に出会った759体もの昆虫標本は、様々な理由によりコレクターの手を離れている状態にあり、保存状態もよいと言えるものではありませんでした。 本書は、岩崎が預かり受けた759体の昆虫標本の行く末を考え、書籍を昆虫たちの「新たな居場所」として展開していくための取り組みです。 Iwasaki hiromasa is an artist who has been using insects as a motif and theme in his work. This publication was inspired by a chance encounter in 2020 when he came across an insect specimen that had nowhere else to go. The 759 insect specimens he came across were in a poor state of preservation, having been left in the hands of collectors for various reasons. This book is an effort to consider the fate of the 759 insect specimens entrusted to Iwasaki and to develop the book as a "new place" for these insects. 書籍名: NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects— 著者: 岩崎広大 編集: 岡田翔 寄稿: 松山ひとみ、岡田翔 翻訳: 古舘遼 デザイン: 相島大地 協力:竜洋昆虫自然観察公園、松井正、横川十帆 撮影協力:篠田優 発行人: 岡田翔 発行: paper company サイズ: 210x182 mm ページ数: 360p 言語: 日・英 発行日: 2022年10月1日 仕様: ハードカバー|オフセット印刷 Title: NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE— 759 Insects — Author: IWASAKI Hiromasa Editor: OKADA Kakeru Text: MATSUYAMA Hitomi, OKADA Kakeru Translator: FURUTATE Ryo Designer: AIJIMA Daichi Cooperation: Ryuyo Insect Nature Observation Park, MATSUI Tadashi, YOKOKAWA Juppo Shooting Cooperation: SHINODA Yu Publisher: OKADA Kakeru Published by: paper company Size: 210x182 mm Pages: 360p Language: Japanese, English Date of publication: October 1st, 2022 Details: Hardcover, Offset printing 标题: NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects— 作者: IWASAKI Hiromasa 编辑: OKADA Kakeru 文字: MATSUYAMA Hitomi, OKADA Kakeru 译者: FURUTATE Ryo 设计: AIJIMA Daichi 合作: Ryuyo Insect Nature Observation Park, MATSUI Tadashi, YOKOKAWA Juppo 拍摄合作: SHINODA Yu 出版商: OKADA Kakeru 出版商: paper company 尺寸: 210x182 mm 页数: 360页 语言: 日语、英语 日期: 2021年9月1日 内容: 精装,胶印 ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
IWASAKI Hiromasa_Postcard "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE –759 Insects –" 5-types set
IWASAKI Hiromasa_Postcard "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE –759 Insects –" 5-types set 岩崎広大 "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE —759 Insects—"に掲載されている昆虫のポストカードです。裏面にはそれぞれの昆虫のラベル情報が記載されています。 This is a postcard of the insects listed in Iwasaki Hiromasa "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE –759 Insects–" Label information for each insect is provided on the back. 这是一张明信片,上面印有岩崎广政 "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE 759 –Insects–"中所列的昆虫,背面提供了每种昆虫的标签信息。 著者: 岩崎広大 デザイン: 相島大地 発行: paper company サイズ: 148x100 mm 発行日: 2022年10月1日 仕様: オフセット印刷 Author: IWASAKI Hiromasa Designer: AIJIMA Daichi Published by: paper company Size: 148x100 mm Date of publication: October 1st, 2022 Details: Offset printing 作者: IWASAKI Hiromasa 设计: AIJIMA Daichi 出版商:paper company 尺寸: 148x100 mm 日期: 2021年10月1日 内容: 精装 ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
IWASAKI Hiromasa_ Microfiber cloth "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE –759 Insects –" 6-types
IWASAKI Hiromasa_ Microfiber cloth "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE –759 Insects –" 6-types 岩崎広大 図鑑『NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—』に掲載されている昆虫のマイクロファイバークロスになります。昆虫は全て原寸大表記、裏面にはそれぞれの昆虫のラベル情報が記載されています。 This is a microfiber cloth for the insects listed in the book "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE –759 Insects –". All insects are described in full size, and label information for each insect is provided on the reverse side. 这是一块超细纤维布,适用于 "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE –759 Insects –" 一书中所列的昆虫。所有昆虫都有完整的尺寸描述,每只昆虫的标签信息都在背面提供。 著者: 岩崎広大 発行: paper company サイズ: 150x150 mm 発行日: 2022年10月1日 仕様: 昇華転写印刷 Author: IWASAKI Hiromasa Published by: paper company Size: 150x150 mm Date of publication: October 1st, 2022 Details: Dye-sublimation printing 作者: IWASAKI Hiromasa 出版商: paper company 尺寸: 150x150 mm 日期: 2021年10月1日 详细: 染料热升华印刷 ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
IWASAKI Hiromasa_Figure "UTSUSEMI – Coleoptera No.11 of 759 –"
Iwasaki Hiromasa_Figure "UTSUSEMI – Coleoptera No.11 of 759 –" 書籍「NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—」に登場する標本から、いくつかの昆虫たちをモデルに展開したフィギュアシリーズ。かつて誰かが昆虫を採集した時の手触りや、強靭でありながらも脆く繊細な造形をこの世に残したい。セミの抜け殻のように、儚いイメージでありながらも確かな存在を感じることのできるフィギュアを制作した。 フィギュアの制作は、昆虫標本を3Dスキャンして大まかなアウトラインの決定後、岩崎自身が一体ごと細部に至るまで観察を行いペンタブレットにてモデリングを行なっています。 A series of figures modeled after some insects from the specimens appearing in the book "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—". In the creation of the figures, the insect specimens were scanned in 3D to determine a rough outline, and then Iwasaki modeled the details on a pen tablet after observing each individual specimen. 一系列的人物模型来自于 "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—" 一书中出现的一些昆虫标本。 在创作这些人物时,对昆虫标本进行3D扫描,以确定一个粗略的轮廓,然后岩崎在观察了每个标本后,在一个笔板上对细节进行建模。 Title: UTSUSEMI – Coleoptera No.11 of 759 – Artist: IWASAKI Hiromasa Size: 83mm×44mm×31mm(Box size 160mm×130mm×53mm) Media: Acrylic resin Year: 2022 Edition: OP With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: UTSUSEMI – Coleoptera No.11 of 759 – 艺术家: IWASAKI Hiromasa 尺寸: 83mm×44mm×31mm(Box size 160mm×130mm×53mm) 媒介: Acrylic resin 年份: 2022年 版本: OP 附有真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hiromasa Iwasaki|Artist 1994 Born in Tokyo, Japan 2021 MFA, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts 2017 BFA, Department of Oil Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts https://iwasakihiromasa.com/ ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
IWASAKI Hiromasa_Figure "UTSUSEMI – Coleoptera No.4 of 759 –"
IWASAKI Hiromasa_Figure "UTSUSEMI – Coleoptera No.4 of 759 –" 書籍「NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—」に登場する標本から、いくつかの昆虫たちをモデルに展開したフィギュアシリーズ。かつて誰かが昆虫を採集した時の手触りや、強靭でありながらも脆く繊細な造形をこの世に残したい。セミの抜け殻のように、儚いイメージでありながらも確かな存在を感じることのできるフィギュアを制作した。 フィギュアの制作は、昆虫標本を3Dスキャンして大まかなアウトラインの決定後、岩崎自身が一体ごと細部に至るまで観察を行いペンタブレットにてモデリングを行なっています。 A series of figures modeled after some insects from the specimens appearing in the book "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—". In the creation of the figures, the insect specimens were scanned in 3D to determine a rough outline, and then Iwasaki modeled the details on a pen tablet after observing each individual specimen. 一系列的人物模型来自于 "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—" 一书中出现的一些昆虫标本。 在创作这些人物时,对昆虫标本进行3D扫描,以确定一个粗略的轮廓,然后岩崎在观察了每个标本后,在一个笔板上对细节进行建模。 Title: UTSUSEMI – Coleoptera No.4 of 759 – Artist: IWASAKI Hiromasa Size: 89mm×40mm×16mm(Box size 160mm×130mm×53mm) Media: Acrylic resin Year: 2022 Edition: OP With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: UTSUSEMI – Coleoptera No.4 of 759 – 艺术家: IWASAKI Hiromasa 尺寸: 89mm×40mm×16mm(Box size 160mm×130mm×53mm) 媒介: Acrylic resin 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 附有真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hiromasa Iwasaki|Artist 1994 Born in Tokyo, Japan 2021 MFA, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts 2017 BFA, Department of Oil Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts https://iwasakihiromasa.com/ ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
IWASAKI Hiromasa_Figure "UTSUSEMI – Hemiptera No.3 of 759 –"
IWASAKI Hiromasa_Figure "UTSUSEMI – Hemiptera No.3 of 759 –" 書籍「NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—」に登場する標本から、いくつかの昆虫たちをモデルに展開したフィギュアシリーズ。かつて誰かが昆虫を採集した時の手触りや、強靭でありながらも脆く繊細な造形をこの世に残したい。セミの抜け殻のように、儚いイメージでありながらも確かな存在を感じることのできるフィギュアを制作した。 フィギュアの制作は、昆虫標本を3Dスキャンして大まかなアウトラインの決定後、岩崎自身が一体ごと細部に至るまで観察を行いペンタブレットにてモデリングを行なっています。 A series of figures modeled after some insects from the specimens appearing in the book "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—". In the creation of the figures, the insect specimens were scanned in 3D to determine a rough outline, and then Iwasaki modeled the details on a pen tablet after observing each individual specimen. 一系列的人物模型来自于 "NO-RECORD-FOUND CERTIFICATE—759 Insects—" 一书中出现的一些昆虫标本。 在创作这些人物时,对昆虫标本进行3D扫描,以确定一个粗略的轮廓,然后岩崎在观察了每个标本后,在一个笔板上对细节进行建模。 Title: UTSUSEMI – Hemiptera No.3 of 759 – Artist: IWASAKI Hiromasa Size: 61mm×32mm×13mm(Box size 160mm×130mm×53mm) Media: Acrylic resin Year: 2022 Edition: OP With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: UTSUSEMI – Hemiptera No.3 of 759 – 艺术家: IWASAKI Hiromasa 尺寸: 61mm×32mm×13mm(Box size 160mm×130mm×53mm) 媒介: Acrylic resin 年份: 2022年 版本: OP 附有真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hiromasa Iwasaki|Artist 1994 Born in Tokyo, Japan 2021 MFA, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts 2017 BFA, Department of Oil Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts https://iwasakihiromasa.com/ ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun KIM "A man-playing-possum-fruit "
Hakhyun KIM "A man-playing-possum-fruit " (Limited Edition of 400) キム・ハケンは、これまで国内外で高い評価を受けてきたアニメーション作家です。彼は手書きやデジタル作画など様々な手法を用いながら、可愛さと不気味さが同居した独自の世界を描き出してきました。今回の絵本は、展覧会「うそねおとこのみ」< https://kakeru-okada.com/exhibition-amanplayingpossumfruit-20220907-20220917 > に合わせて、描き下ろした絵本になります。 Hakhyun Kim is an animation artist who has received high acclaim both in Japan and abroad. He has created a unique world where kawaii and eeriness coexist, using various techniques such as hand drawing and digital drawing. This picture book will be a newly-drawn book for the exhibition "A man-playing-possum-fruit" < https://kakeru-okada.com/exhibition-amanplayingpossumfruit-20220907-20220917 >. 何かを決めることを決めない。ずっと、判断を付けられない。少し不気味にも見えるし、可愛くも見える、そんな男の物語、うそねおとこのみ。 A man cannot decide to make a decision about something. All the time, he can't make a decision. It looks a little eerie and kawaii at the same time. This is the story of such a man, A man-playing-possum-fruit. __ タイトル:うそねおとこのみ 著者:キム・ハケン 編集:岡田翔 翻訳:キム・ハケン(韓国語)、松井正 (英語) デザイン:相島大地 発行人:岡田翔 協賛:ターナー色彩株式会社 発行:paper company サイズ:200x200 mm ページ数:40p 言語:日・英・韓 発行年:2022年9月1日 仕様:ソフトカバー|オフセット印刷 Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit Author: Hakhyun KIM Editor: OKADA Kakeru Translators: Hakhyun KIM(Korean) , MATSUI Tadashi(English) Design: AIJIMA Daichi Publisher: OKADA Kakeru Published by: paper company Supported by: TURNER COLOUR WORKS LTD. Size: 200x200 mm Pages: 40p Language: Japanese, English, Korean Date: September 1st, 2022 Format: Softcover, Offset printing 제목:거짓말이야, 그 남자만 저자:김학현 편집:오카다 카케루 번역:김학현(한국어)、마츠이 타다시 (영어) 디자인:아이지마 다이치 발행인:오카다 카케루 발행일:2022년9월1일 발행처:paper company 협찬:TURNER COLOUR WORKS LTD. 사이즈:200x200 mm 페이지s:40p 언어: 일본어、영어、한국어 날짜: 2022년9월1일 사양: 소프트 커버, 오프셋인쇄 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit 作者:Hakhyun Kim 编辑: OKADA Kakeru 译者:Hakhyun Kim(Korean), Matsui Tadashi(English) 设计: AIJIMA Daichi 出版商: OKADA Kakeru 出版商: paper company 支持单位:TURNER COLOUR WORKS LTD. 尺寸:200x200 mm 页数:40页 语言:日语, 英语, 韩语 日期: 2022年9月1日 内容:软装, 胶版印刷
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.1"
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.1" This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.1 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×160mm (image size 100×100mm) Media: Giclee Print (Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.1 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.2"
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.2" This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.2 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×160mm (image size 100×100mm) Media: Giclee Print (Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.2 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.3"
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.3" This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.3 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×160mm (image size 100×100mm) Media: Giclee Print (Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.3 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.4"
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.4" This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.4 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×160mm (image size 100×100mm) Media: Giclee Print (Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.4 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.5"
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.5" This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.5 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×160mm (image size 100×100mm) Media: Giclee Print (Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.5 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit"_No.6
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit"_No.6 This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.6 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×260mm(image size 100×200mm) Media: Giclee Print(Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.6 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×260mm(图像尺寸100×200mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit"_No.7
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit"_No.7 This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.7 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×260mm(image size 100×200mm) Media: Giclee Print(Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.7 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.8"
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.8" This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.8 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×160mm (image size 100×100mm) Media: Giclee Print (Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.8 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.9"
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.9" This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.9 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×160mm (image size 100×100mm) Media: Giclee Print (Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.9 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit"_No.10
Hakhyun Kim_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit"_No.10 This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.13 Artist: Hakhyun Kim Size: 160×260mm(image size 100×200mm) Media: Giclee Print(Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.10 艺术家: Hakhyun Kim 尺寸: 160×260mm(图像尺寸100×200mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun KIM_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.11"
Hakhyun KIM_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.11" This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.11 Artist: Hakhyun KIM Size: 160×160mm (image size 100×100mm) Media: Giclee Print (Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.11 艺术家: Hakhyun KIM 尺寸: 160×160mm(图像尺寸100×100mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______
Hakhyun KIM_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit"_No.12
Hakhyun KIM_Giclee Print "A man-playing-possum-fruit"_No.12 This Giclee is the original artwork of the picture book "A man-playing-possum-fruit". < https://kakeru-okada.com/publication-011-hakhyunkim > Title: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.13 Artist: Hakhyun KIM Size: 160×260mm(image size 100×200mm) Media: Giclee Print(Hahnemühle) Year: 2022 Edition: OP, Signed The sheet only With a Certificate of Authenticity ※Actual color may vary from the images shown. 标题: A man-playing-possum-fruit_No.12 艺术家: Hakhyun KIM 尺寸: 160×260mm(图像尺寸100×200mm) 媒介: Giclee(Hahnemühle) 年份: 2022年 版本: OP, 已签名 这张表只有一个真实性证书 ※实际颜色可能与图片不同。 ______ Hakhyun Kim | Animation filmmaker 1982 Born in Seoul, Korea 2013 MFA, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts 2011 BFA, Department of Animation, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University 2005 BAF, Department of Environmental Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Kyungwon University https://vimeo.com/hakennn ______ To customers outside Japan. If you want more than one, or if you want to buy together with another one, please contact us at the email address. We will contact you with the shipping cost to your country. 对日本以外的客户。 如果你想要多个,或者你想和另一个一起购买,请通过电子邮件地址联系我们。 我们将与你联系,告诉你到你的国家的运费。 kakeru.okada@gmail.com ______